Saturday, January 5, 2008


I have a small collection of floaty pens. I try to keep it small intentionally since I have a bad habit of accumulating stuff (interesting coins, ticket stubs, accordions...). What can I say? I come from a family of collectors. Dorks and collectors. It's not an ideal combination.

The whole pen thing actually began a few years ago with one of my coworkers, Ann. She collected pens from different cities, and she mentioned that sometimes people bring her pens when they come back from vacation. Weird hobby, but I remembered this while we were killing time in the Winnipeg airport and I got her a rainbow Winnipeg pen. At the time, my husband was traveling pretty frequently so I gave him standing instructions to buy a pen for Ann if he needed to kill time. He did buy a pen for Ann on his next trip. And it was not a simple pen with the name of a city on it. It was a freaking awesome floaty pen with the name of a city on it. I was insanely jealous.

This is a photo of the collection today, on its brand new display board.

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